
    Help us sustain our mission by donating to our

    501(c)(3) impacted family-led organization

    Make a one time donation or Become a sustaining member of our charitable community

    (Yellow Donate Button)

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    Donate: Facebook

    Donate a one time amount or a monthly donation via Facebook Donations

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    Donate: CashApp


    Donate directly to our CashApp.



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    Donate: Venmo

    Donate directly to our Venmo.


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    Donate: Paypal

    Donate a one time amount or a monthly donation via Facebook Donations

  • Other ways to support our organization

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    Host a Fundraiser

    Get your family & friends involved by setting a goal and sharing.

    Go HERE to create your own FB fundraiser to help VOS.

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    Remote opportunities available.

    Sign up HERE.